Sarah Grace Meck

Sarah Grace Meck is a registered dietician, ex-D1 athlete and a business mentor on a mission to empower women and cut through the falsified nutrition noise. She has a thriving online business where she helps nutritionists like herself create their own businesses online. She is the founder of Fresh Fit....

Sarah Grace Meck

Sarah Grace Meck is a registered dietician, ex-D1 athlete and a business mentor on a mission to empower women and cut through the falsified nutrition noise. She has a thriving online business where she helps nutritionists like herself create their own businesses online. She is the founder of Fresh Fit N Healthy and the author of Chasing Freedom. She began her entrepreneur career with TikTok and Instagram accounts to help others reach their potential healthy lifestyle.

Does Virtual Events?

Sarah Grace Meck - TV Show's

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Frequently Asked Questions

Celebrity Chef Network’s Booking Agents can check avails with a firm offer. Sometimes we can find out without one but candidly, the chef gets many requests and will take yours seriously with a firm offer.

Many times Celebrity Chefs have a “non-profit” rate. Call or email us your request. Even when a chef has a discounted rate you shouldn’t expect it to be much beyond 10-15% of their published rate card.

Most Celebrity Chefs will but in a rare instance some won’t but they will describe what their sous chef is doing. Please request more info on any of the talent you’re interested in.

We see it time and time again. Celebrity chefs are the kings and queens of lifestyle coupled with pop culture. Food and cooking has become a massive industry for consumers and celebrity chefs drive awareness and interest.

That is a GREAT question. In 90%+ of our bookings you will contract directly with the celebrity chef vs contracting with us and we contract with the celebrity chef. Our fees will be clearly articulated.

One of Celebrity Chef Network’s expertly trained professional booking agents will be your direct contact. But understand there are many other team members that will work simultaneously to assure your event runs perfectly.

1. How can we find a Celebrity Chefs fee for our event? For an endorsement of our product/company? For the Celebrity Chef doing media for a campaign we want to include them?

These are all activations that your Booking Agent can get you answers honestly, promptly and with full confidence.

Celebrity Chef Network’s Booking Agents can check avails with a firm offer. Sometimes we can find out without one but candidly, the chef gets many requests and will take yours seriously with a firm offer.

Absolutely. This is exactly the type of execution your Booking Agent will assist you with.

Many times Celebrity Chefs have a “non-profit” rate. Call or email us your request. Even when a chef has a discounted rate you shouldn’t expect it to be much beyond 10-15% of their published rate card.

Most Celebrity Chefs will but in a rare instance some won’t but they will describe what their sous chef is doing. Please request more info on any of the talent you’re interested in.

We see it time and time again. Celebrity chefs are the kings and queens of lifestyle coupled with pop culture. Food and cooking has become a massive industry for consumers and celebrity chefs drive awareness and interest.

That is a GREAT question. In 90%+ of our bookings you will contract directly with the celebrity chef vs contracting with us and we contract with the celebrity chef. Our fees will be clearly articulated.

One of Celebrity Chef Network’s expertly trained professional booking agents will be your direct contact. But understand there are many other team members that will work simultaneously to assure your event runs perfectly.